“Asia and Pacific Conference on Archival Education”(APCAE)was held in Renmin University of China(RUC) in Beijing, in 17th-18th April, 2004. Entrusted by ICA/SAE, Archives College (AC, founded in1952,newly named as the School of Information Resource Management) in RUC organized the conference. Seventy experts and specialists from nine countries, including America, Australia, Britain, Germany, China, Japan, East Timor, New Zealand and Philippines, participated in the conference. The theme of the conference is “Communication Cooperation and Cross-influences: Developing Archival Education in Asia and Pacific Region in 21 Century”. topics are as following:

1.Archival Education and Training in information age

2.The interaction of teaching, research and application

3.International cooperation on archival education and training

4.Case study (curriculum development, teaching art, methodology and computer aided teaching etc.)

Dr.Feng Huiling, Vice-president of RUC, Dean of AC, SC member of ICA/SAE, made a welcome speech. She said: 21st century is such a period that Archival work need to be innovated and developed fastly. The most significant element which makes archival progress is to educate and train archivists. In the opening ceremony, Mr. Mao Fumin ,the Director General of State Archives Administration of China (SAAC) , Director of EASTICA , guest professor of RUC made a congratulation speech, so did Karen Anderson-the president of (ICA/SAE)and Michael Hoyle-President of PARBICA.

The conference’s subject--“Developing Archival Education in Asia and Pacific Region in 21 Century” was widely discussed. “Good papers, lively discussion and a very open and warm atmosphere at the Conference”, said Karen Anderson after conference. In the closing ceremony, Proposal for Enhancing Communication and Cooperation on Archival Education in Asia-Pacific Region was declared with English, Japanese and Chinese trilingual languages. All delegates agreed on the proposal and sincerely hope that APCAE will be held either regularly or occasionally in different countries or regions in the Asia-Pacific Area, which would definitely guarantee smoother communication, offer abundant opportunities for cooperation and thus benefit archivists greatly.

For more detailed information, please visit here.

Mrs. WANG Jian
Associate Professor & Coordinator of international affairs of AC/RUC
Deputy Director of International cooperation Office of RUC
59, Zhongguancun Street
Beijing, 100872,CHINA
Tel: 86-10 62511457
Fax: 86-10 62511463
E-mail: [email protected]