加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UBC)图书档案情报管理亚洲电竞博彩网站导航 谢丽博士被亚洲电竞博彩网站导航 聘为全职教授及电子文件管理研究中心副主任。

自2007年通过“电子系统中文件真实性永久保障国际合作项目”(InterPARES3)与我院结缘,她多次应邀在我院主办的电子文件管理国际学术研讨会、学术沙龙上做主题发言,提供前沿讲座。加之2009年以来在UBC任教的经历,此次加盟我院,谢丽博士还将继续积极参加UBC图书档案情报管理亚洲电竞博彩网站导航 以及InterPARES Trust的研究工作,促进我院与加拿大麦吉尔大学的交流。相信我院这一人才引进举措将会进一步推动亚洲电竞博彩网站导航 的国际化进程,提升师资队伍的国际化水平,促进国际合作的拓展与深化,对学科的发展和人才培养产生深远影响。
UBC SLAIS iSchool PhD Sherry Xie Hired by the Renmin University of China as a Full Professor
Sherry L. Xie, a SLAIS iSchool PhD, has been hired by the Renmin University of China as a full professor in its School of Information
Resource Management and the Associate Director of the Center for Electronic Records Management Research, starting September
2013. Directed by Prof. Feng Huiling, Vice President of the university, the Center has been the leading force in proposing national
policies on digital records management and is responsible for setting/maintaining nation-wide standards regarding the design of
Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS). The ERMS Testing and Certifying Center, located also in the School of Information
Resource Management, is set up as one component of the Data and Knowledge Engineering Research Lab supported by the
Department of Education and jointly administered by the School and the School of Information Technology. The testing of ERMS
software started in 2012.
These positions encompass the requirement of immediate involvement of Dr. Xie in a number of multidisciplinary research projects,
including Research on the Formation of Collective Memories in the Time of Society Transformation and Media Evolution, 2013-2014,
funded by the City of Beijing; Research on Electronic Records Identification and Capture, 2010-2015, funded by the National Science
Foundation of China; Research on Relationships between Records Classification and Archival Description under the Framework of
Lifetime Management, 2013-2015, funded by the Department of Education; Reporting on the National and International Developments
of Electronic Records Management, 2009-2015, funded by Renmin University of China; Research on Metadata Scheme Implementation
Strategies and Methodologies for Electronic Records, 2013-2016; and Open Data Initiatives and Digital Records Management, 2014-2016,
funded by Renmin University of China.
Dr. Xie will maintain her connection with the SLAIS iSchool at UBC and the InterPARES Trust Project, and will be involved as well in
developing collaborative agreements with the McGill University.