讲座题目:The Public Value of E-Government and Its Application
主 讲 人:Prof. Hepu Deng
The concept of public value is a normative theory for measuring the performance of public services. It provides an
inclusive framework for examining the performance of public organizations on the creation of public value for citizens.
E-government offers numerous opportunities for governments to improve the delivery of public services and improve
their performance. With the rapid development of e-government, adopting the concept of public value for evaluating
the performance of e-government from the perspective of citizens is not only appropriate but also necessary.
This talk presents an investigation of the public value of e-government in the real world case. The investigation is
focused on the identification of the critical factors for evaluating the public value of e-government using a mixed-methods
methodology. A comprehensive review of the related literature leads to the development of a theoretical framework
for evaluating the public value of e-government. With the use of survey data collected, the theoretical framework
is tested using structural equation modelling. To further validate the research findings from the quantitative analysis,
thematic analysis is carried out based on the interview data collected. The quantitative findings and the qualitative
findings are triangulated for better investigating the public value of e-government in real world.
Hepu Deng is a Professor in Information Systems in Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University. His research
interests are in the areas of decision analysis, intelligent systems, digital business, knowledge management, electronic
government, e-learning, and their applications in business. The multi-disciplinary nature of his research and the
emphasis on both theoretical and applied research are exemplified by numerous refereed publications in top refereed
international journals listed in the Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, Engineering Compendex
Index, and at major refereed international conferences. He was and is currently a referee for many prestigious
international journals including Fuzzy Sets and Systems, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, European
Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, International Journal of Computers and
Industrial Engineering, Information Sciences, Computers and Operations Research, International Journal of Production
Economics, Journal of Computational Intelligence in Finance, Journal of Operations Management, and International
Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems.