“2013 年亚洲电竞博彩网站导航 暑期赴美专业实习项目说明会”将于2013 年3 月4  日(星期一)12 :00-13:00 在信息楼209 会议室举行。该项目面向我院全体学生,要求具有良好的英语水平。届时将由Bill 先生详细介绍实习内容、分析实习需求、提供签证指导并具体回答大家的提问。 

   2013 暑期赴美专业实习项目将于2013 年7 月在美国最重要的金融、文化、建筑、制造业、期货和商品交易中心城市芝加哥展开,持续三周,每周将有四天在政府机构或公司、医院、图书馆等实际部门实习,一天专业讲座、名校走访,周末社会考察。项目期间,将有机会聆听美国北伊利诺伊大学、伊利诺伊理工大学、杜佩奇亚洲电竞博彩网站导航 的教授作信息管理、电子取证、数据安全、社交媒体等前沿讲座,了解美国的业务环境与机构文化,获得专业实习的相应指导、实习证书;与此同时,还可在寄宿家庭中深入了解美国社会、提升英语水平,零距离体验美国文化。

Course Abstract
In this advanced program students will participate in an internship for three weeks where they will obtain real-world business experience in the United States. In addition, students will learn to use Business English in a day-to-day environment. 
The skills developed in this program will give participants the confidence and ability to work with others in an English speaking environment and students will gain an understanding of the American workplace. 
The focus of this program will be on an internship which students will go to four days per week for 3 weeks.Courses will be taught by instructors from Northern Illinois University and Illinois Institute of Technology and College of DuPage who will discuss the use of common American business terminology, and demonstrate how students should conduct themselves in an American business setting.In addition, students will stay at a host family where they will get a chance to improve their English skills and experience American culture. 
Program Requirements
Students must have a good command of English to participate in this program 
Tentative Dates
 July 2013 
(Program dates may also be scheduled at the convenience of the attending school) 
Weekly Schedule
Monday to Thursday 
9:00 am to 4:00 pm – Internship 
9:00 pm to 4:00 pm – Class, Cultural Tours and Lunch 
Students may choose to do their internship on Friday also 
Weekends – Cultural Tours 
Tentative Cultural Activities
– Tour of Illinois Institute of Technology 
- Tour the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 
- Church outings 
- Tour Northwestern University 
– Discount Shopping Mall 
- Navy Pier 
– University of Chicago Tour 
Internship Companies 
Internships will be assigned based on the students major and interest as listed in 
the internship profile form that each student must complete.We try to match all 
students to the company or government agency that matches their interest. 
However, not all majors are represented in the internship program. 
Examples of internships we hope to offer Renmin University students are listed 
Central DuPage Hospital Records Management 
Equip for Equality 
Forest Agency Insurance Company Records Department 
WGN Radio 
Motorola Inc. 
State of Illinois 
Mann Financial 
First Trust Bank 
Villa Park Police Department 
DuPage County Police Department 
DuPage County Government 
All Cell Technologies Inc. 
And many more….   
Friday Class subjects:          9:00 am to 12:00 noon. 
Week one:   Database Security - Students will engage in an in-depth examination of topics in data security including security considerations in applications & systems development, encryption methods, cryptography law and security architecture & models. 
Instructor:   Jeff Kimont, Professor at Illinois Institute of Tecchnology 
Week Two:  Cyber Forensics - This class will address methods to properly conduct a computer and/or network forensics investigation including digital evidence collection and evaluation and legal issues involved in network forensics. Technical issues in acquiring court-admissible chains-of-evidence using various forensic tools that reconstruct criminally liable actions at the physical and logical levels are also addressed. Technical topics covered include analysis of hard disks, files systems (including FAT, NTFS and EXT) and removable storage media; mechanisms for hiding and detecting hidden information; and the hands-on use of powerful forensic analysis tools. 
Instructor:   Hosni Adra, Owner of CreateASoft, former Professor at Illinois Institute of Technology 
Week Three: Legal and Ethical Issues in Information Technology and Social Media - Current legal issues in information technology are addressed including elements of contracting, payment systems and digital signatures, privacy concerns, intellectual property, and criminal liability including hacking, computer trespass and fraud. Examination of ethical issues including privacy, system abuse, and ethical practices in information technology equip students to make sound ethical choices and resolve legal and moral issues that arise in information technology. 
Instructor:   Professor from Kent Law School at Illinois Institute of Technology 
                                                     2013 年2 月28  日