讲座嘉宾:威廉•杰•恩莱特(WILLIAM J. ENRIGHT)
威廉•杰•恩莱特先生是美国伊利诺伊州全球教育协会主席,主要负责策划及管理国际培训、实习项目。在伊利诺伊州理工大学(IIT)商亚洲电竞博彩网站导航 和杜培基亚洲电竞博彩网站导航 (College of DuPage)任教,兼任专业培训部主任。曾多次成功举办政府、企业、师资培训以及学生暑期实习等国际合作项目。2006年,曾与我院合作举办首次学生赴美实习项目,学生受益匪浅,学生实习成果得到实习单位——摩托罗拉高管高度评价。
Global Education Association
With professors from:
Illinois Institute of Technology
College of DuPage
Internship and Business Program for International Students
The Global Education Association, Inc. and professors Illinois Institute of Technology and College of DuPage are pleased to offer the Business and Internship Program for International Students. This is a five week program where students will spend four weeks in Chicago and one week traveling.
Course Abstract:
In this advanced program students will participate in an internship for four weeks where they will obtain real-world business experience in the United States. In addition, students will learn to use Business English in a day-to-day environment. At the end of the program there will be an optional one week tour of the United States Cities where students will visit Washington DC, New York City and Los Angeles California.
This program is available to College students.
The skills developed in this program will give participants the confidence and ability to work with others in an English speaking environment and students will gain an understanding of the American workplace.
The focus of this program will be on an internship which students will go to four days per week for 4 weeks. Courses will be taught by instructors from Northern Illinois University and Illinois Institute of Technology who will discuss the use of common American business terminology, and demonstrate how students should conduct themselves in an American business setting. In addition, students will stay at a host family where they will get a chance to improve their English skills and experience American culture.
2006 人大信管暑期赴美实习剪影